Used gear and more. This page will be updated from time to time with gear that I don't use or need any more, gear that was purchased simply to test or try, samples that were sent to me by equipment manufacturers, and more.
The gear listed here will often be in brand new condition or barely used, and the condition of each item will be listed with it. Most items include boxes, bags, paperwork, etc. Feel free to email me if you have any specific questions about an item that I can answer. All items are ready to ship immediately, simply use the add to cart buttons to check out with a credit card or your paypal account. Shipping charges are for North America only.
Nikon 50mm f/1.4G
Nikkor AF-S Prime Lens
Lens Hood, Box, Manual
New / Open Box
Nikon TC-14E II
1.4x Teleconverter
Box, Manual
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Kirk BL-D700 L-Bracket
Machined from 6061T6
Arca Swiss Compatible
F-Stop Loka Backpack
Camera Backpack
Foliage Green
Tiffen GND Filter 72mm
Digital HT Titanium
.06 2-stop Graduated ND
Fotopro X-Go Max Tripod
Carbon Fiber w/ Ballhead
Box, Carry Bag, Extras
Brand New in Box
Slik Pro Pod 600 Monopod
Magnesium, Titanium, Alum
Strong and Lightweight
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SureFire P2X Fury Defender
500 Lumens Output
Made in USA
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Nikon EN-EL3e Battery
Rechargeable Lithium-Ion
Fits D700 / D300 / D90 / More
Padded Tripod Bag
Gitzo GC-2100
For Series 2 Gitzo
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